Salesforce Real Time Scenario: 2

Scenario: 2 

Your company wants to automatically update the status of related cases when an account is flagged as "High Priority." Describe how you would develop a trigger on the Account object to update case statuses using Apex code when the account status changes.

  1. Understand the Requirements:

    • The scenario states that the goal is to automatically update the status of related cases when an account is flagged as "High Priority."
    • This implies that there's a custom field on the Account object called "Priority" or something similar, which can be flagged as "High Priority."

  2. Identify Trigger Events:

    • Since we need to trigger an action when an account's priority status changes, we'll use the after update trigger event on the Account object.

  3. Develop the Apex Trigger:

    • Create a new Apex trigger on the Account object that fires after update.
    • Inside the trigger, iterate over the list to check for updated accounts.
    • For each updated account, check if the priority status has been changed to "High Priority."
    • If the priority status is changed to "High Priority," query related cases associated with the account.
    • Update the status of each related case to reflect the new priority status.

Here's a high-level overview of what the Apex trigger might look like:

trigger UpdateCaseStatusOnAccountPriority on Account (after update) { // List to store cases that need to be updated List<Case> casesToUpdate = new List<Case>(); // Iterate over updated accounts for(Account acc : { // Check if the priority status has been changed to "High Priority" if(acc.Priority__c == 'High Priority') { // Query related cases associated with the account List<Case> relatedCases = [SELECT Id, Status FROM Case WHERE AccountId = :acc.Id]; // Update the status of each related case for(Case c : relatedCases) { c.Status = 'High Priority'; casesToUpdate.add(c); } } } // Update case records if(!casesToUpdate.isEmpty()) { update casesToUpdate; } }

  1. Testing and Deployment:

    • Before deploying the trigger to production, thorough testing should be conducted in a sandbox or developer environment.
    • Test scenarios should cover account priority status changes and verify that related case statuses are updated accordingly.
    • Once testing is successful, deploy the trigger to production using the appropriate deployment process.

  2. Monitoring and Maintenance:

    • After deployment, monitor the trigger's performance and ensure that it behaves as expected in production.
    • Regularly review and update the trigger as needed based on changes in business requirements or Salesforce updates.
    • Monitor system limits and bulk processing considerations to ensure the trigger operates efficiently, especially in environments with large data volumes.

By following these steps, you can develop an Apex trigger on the Account object to automatically update the status of related cases when an account is flagged as "High Priority," meeting the requirements outlined in the scenario

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