
Integration Topics

 TOPIC: Apex REST Annotations In Salesforce

TOPIC: OAuth 2.0 Username-Password Flow In Salesforce

TOPIC: How to deserializes respone in Apex using deserialize(jsonString, apexType)?

TOPIC: Let say I have two systems as SYSTEM A and another system as SYSTEM B.
What we will doing today is we will try to fetch an account from SYSTEM B and show that using the Visualforce page in SYSTEM A.

TOPIC: Let say I have two systems as SYSTEM A and another system as SYSTEM B.
What we will doing today is we will try to fetch a list of accounts from SYSTEM B and show that using Visualforce page in SYSTEM A.

TOPIC: Let say I have two systems as SYSTEM A and another system as SYSTEM B.
What we will doing today is we will try to create a record in SYSTEM A manually and we will pass this record to SYSTEM B webservice, The webservice will than create the same record in SYSTEM B.

TOPIC: Let say I have two systems as SYSTEM A and another system as SYSTEM B.
What we will doing today is we will try to update a record in SYSTEM A manually and we will pass this record to SYSTEM B webservice, The webservice will than update the same record in SYSTEM B.

TOPIC: Let say I have two systems as SYSTEM A and another system as SYSTEM B.
What we will doing today is we will try to delete a record FROM SYSTEM B using rest api request from SYSTEM A

TOPIC: Salesforce soap integration by taking an example of two Salesforce systems.

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  1. please share the vedios of rest api

  2. i will pay please give the entire integration vedios of Rest api
