Using Constructors to Initialize and Update Class Variables in Salesforce Apex

Using Constructors to Initialize and Update Class Variables in Salesforce Apex
    In Apex, constructors play a crucial role in initializing class variables, ensuring they start with predefined values. This not only establishes initial states but also maintains consistency across different instances of a class. Let's explore how constructors are used to initialize and update class variables through a simple example.

Example Scenario: Initializing and Updating Student Names

Class Student

In our example, we'll create a Student class where the studentName variable is initialized in the constructor.

Class StudentDemo

Next, we have a StudentDemo class that demonstrates how to create an instance of Student with a different variable name (myStudent) and update the studentName variable.

In the StudentDemo class, the line Student myStudent = new Student(); instantiates a new object of the Student class and assigns it to the variable myStudent. This process calls the constructor of the Student class, initializing the studentName variable to "Ritesh". Later in the displayStudentName() method, we update studentName to "Sujay" using myStudent, demonstrating how constructors initialize values that can be later modified as needed.

Constructors in Apex are fundamental for initializing class variables with predefined values, providing a starting point for object states. They enable developers to maintain consistency and flexibility in data management within their applications.

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